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How to Take Epic Photos in Morocco: Tips for Insta-Worthy Shots

How to Take Epic Photos in Morocco? Learn pro techniques like using natural light, getting people shots, focusing on details, and gear to pack to capture memorable images.


From the rolling sand dunes of the Sahara to the vibrant blue streets of Chefchaouen’s medina, Morocco is a dream destination for photographers. This North African country offers incredible diversity – from coastal scenes to mountain vistas, sprawling markets to intricate architectural details.

But capturing standout photos in Morocco does present some challenges. Low light conditions, especially in winding medinas, make it tricky to get well-exposed images. Busy markets full of movement and color can easily turn into blurred chaotic snapshots. And the glaring midday sun often creates harsh, unflattering lighting.

With some knowledge of composition techniques and tips tailored specifically for different Moroccan landscapes and cultural scenes, you can return home with eye-catching, professional-quality photographs. Carefully crafted shots that reflect the exotic beauty, cultural riches, and allure of Morocco.

This guide will provide useful tips on How to Take Epic Photos in Morocco to help elevate your Moroccan photography. From packing the right gear, to mastering natural light, to incorporating locals into culturally-respectful portraits, you’ll learn techniques to take your images to the next level. Follow these tips and your photos will vividly capture Morocco’s magic for a lifetime.

Taking Advantage of Natural Lighting

Morocco’s intense sunlight can easily overexpose or create harsh shadows in photos. Studying the light and shooting during optimal times is key.

The best time for photography is during ‘golden hour’ – the hour before sunset and after sunrise when light is soft and golden. At these times, aim for backlit subjects to illuminate details.

Avoid photographing landmarks or portraits at midday when the overhead sun will be unflattering. If you must shoot then, move subjects completely into shade for even lighting.

Also utilize natural light from archways, windows, and door frames. Position subjects in the path of light streaming through them for dramatic effects.

Capturing Candid and Portrait Shots

Capturing relaxed, candid shots of people requires gaining trust and patience. Spend time engaging with locals before photographing them – a simple hello, smile, or salem in Arabic is a good start.

Try anticipating spontaneous moments like laughter or conversation. Have the camera ready and take several quick shots to capture natural interactions.

For portraits, choose backgrounds that help tell the subject’s story like their shop, vehicle, or a landscape. Use a moderate telephoto lens to photograph scenes with people from afar.

Focusing on Authentic Details and Moments

To convey local culture, focus closely on small details and daily activities. Photograph aged hands tossing pottery, embroidered slippers in a repair shop, or the rows of shining spices in markets.

Capture candid exchanges like children playing in the medina or artisans chatting over mint tea. Show people celebrating festivals in traditional dress to convey cultural pride.

Move through markets slowly and methodically, framing colorful tableaus of vibrant rugs, fresh produce, hanging lamp parts, and pyramid displays of spices.

Packing the Right Photography Gear

Having the right camera gear will enable you to capture high-quality shots in various conditions. Some essentials to pack include:

  • DSLR camera – A mirrorless or DSLR camera allows creative control over exposure settings and lens choices. Clean the sensor regularly in dusty/sandy areas.
  • Lenses – Pack a standard zoom, wide angle, and telephoto lens to handle landscapes, architecture, portraits, and details. Prime lenses work great in dark interiors.
  • Batteries/memory cards – Bring plenty of spares so you don’t miss a shot. Carry extra memory cards to backup images.
  • Filters – Neutral density, polarizing, and UV filters allow long exposures, cut glare, and protect lenses.

Additional Tips for Different Locations

Morocco’s varying geography requires some location-specific techniques:

  • Desert – Use a polarizing filter to deepen blue skies and sand texture. Shoot at the start and end of the day when the sunlight is warm.
  • Mountains – Visit during fall foliage for stunning colors. Use panorama formats to capture scale. Add people for perspective.
  • Medinas – Use a 35mm or 50mm prime lens that can open to f/1.4 for dark interiors. Increase ISO and use image stabilization.

Editing to Perfection

Editing helps enhance and perfect your shots. Useful tips include:

  • Boost contrast and vibrance slightly to make colors pop without overdoing it.
  • Convert architectural and landscape shots to black & white for timeless, dramatic looks.
  • Carefully enhance details but don’t remove imperfections that give the images character.
  • Use your best judgment to edit lightly and keep photos looking natural.


Capturing eye-catching photos in Morocco requires getting creative with compositions, studying the quality of light, and utilizing techniques tailored to different locations around the country.

Seeking out the perfect golden hour light brings landscapes and architecture to life. Taking the time to connect with locals makes for natural, compelling portraits. And focusing closely on authentic moments and cultural details tells visual stories that convey the spirit of Moroccan daily life.

With so many incredible photographic opportunities, Morocco is a dream destination for any travel photographer. By packing the right gear, scouting spots at the ideal times of day, and immersing yourself in the present moment, you’ll return home with vivid images that you’ll treasure forever. Let these tips on How to Take Epic Photos in Morocco guide you to capturing iconic shots reflecting the rich beauty, culture, and allure of Morocco.

Get Inspired and Plan Your Trip Today!


What is the best camera to use in Morocco?

A DSLR or mirrorless camera allows full control over exposure settings and lens options for handling diverse landscapes and conditions.

What lenses should you pack?

Bring a wide angle, standard zoom, and telephoto lens to capture landscapes, architecture details, portraits, and cultural moments.

What’s the best time of day for shooting?

Photograph during the golden hours around sunrise and sunset for beautiful warm light. Avoid the harsh midday sun.

Any tips for photographing markets and medinas?

Use compact prime lenses that open to f/1.4 or wider for low light interiors. Increase ISO, stabilize your camera, and edit to reduce noise.

How can I get great portraits of locals?

Engage with people, get permission, choose appropriate backgrounds, and wait for candid moments to get natural expressions.


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